Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontics, which is a branch of science that deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of jaw, tooth and facial deformities, helps in the development of jaws for young children, as well as the elimination of existing distortions, bite irregularities, as well as jaw and facial disorders in adults.

With orthodontic treatments, it is possible to have an aesthetically more impressive appearance, while it is possible to have a healthier mouth structure and teeth that will stay with you for a long time.

Orthodontics can work alone in the treatment of congenital and acquired jaw and facial disorders, as well as joint studies with various branches of medicine and dentistry.

After 5 years of dentistry education, orthodontic treatments are performed by specialists who have completed at least 4 years of orthodontic specialisation and have received the title of ‘orthodontist’.

Orthodontists, called orthodontists, who are specialised in orthodontic disorders and their treatments, can become orthodontic specialists if they are accepted to 4-year orthodontic specialisation or doctorate programmes after 5 years of dentistry education, prepare a thesis for specialisation at the end of these trainings and pass the necessary exams.

This specialisation requires a long period of training and practical experience.

What is Orthodontic Treatment?


Treatment Details
Operation:Orthodontic Treatment
Procedure:With the forces applied by means of braces, the teeth are moved towards the desired places.
Duration of treatment:6-24 Months
Anaesthesia:Not applicable
Eligible Persons:It can be applied to anyone with crooked, crooked, curved teeth.
Things to Consider:Acidic, sticky and hard food and beverages should be avoided.

Orthodontics, the treatment that provides the elimination of problems in the jaw, teeth and face, is carried out with the help of various fixed or removable apparatus applied on the teeth or jawbone.

When choosing these apparatus, it is not determined according to the patient’s request, but a choice is made as required by the treatment. If we talk about several orthodontic treatments, we can start with mobile devices first.

Removable devices are types of devices that are mostly used in the mixed dentition period between the ages of 7 and 12 and help in jaw development. They also guide the eruption of permanent teeth. Fixed orthodontic appliances come next.

Fixed orthodontic appliances are divided into three. Metal brackets, transparent brackets and lingual brackets.

The devices we call metal brackets are among the most commonly used devices. These brackets, which adhere to the teeth one by one, move the teeth thanks to the orthodontic wires passing between them.
Transparent braces work on the same principle as metal braces. They can be made of completely transparent material or they can be tooth-coloured. The most important and obvious difference between them and metal braces is that they are less visible. However, it is a method generally used in adults because it requires more care and attention.
Lingual braces are fixed metal braces. They adhere to the inner surface of the teeth. Their most important feature is that they cannot be seen from the outside in any way. Due to the technical differences related to the treatment, treatment times are generally longer compared to the brackets attached from the front side.

There are orthodontic treatments applied with braces as well as treatments without braces. In these treatments, transparent aligners are used in a series. Tooth distortions are thus applied in the form of correction.

Firstly, the teeth, which are corrected gradually through the computer environment, are corrected with these transparent plates that are not visible from the outside. These transparent aligners are removed only when eating and brushing.

Other than that, it must be worn continuously. This type of treatment is only applied to patients who want orthodontic treatment due to dental distortions. In addition, wire-free clear aligner treatment is not considered appropriate for the disorders present in the jaw and facial system.

Who is Izmir Orthodontics Treatment Applied to?

The first concerns of patients who apply to dentists and necessary specialists for orthodontic treatment in Izmir are usually the aesthetic images that arise due to dental distortions. The distortions that cause problems in terms of aesthetic appearance actually cause many problems.

Malocclusion problem, known as closing disorders, causes not only aesthetic problems, but also causes the patient to have problems in eating, drinking and speaking, which leads to a decrease in the quality of life.

When there is a crooked tooth problem, caries occurs more easily because it is difficult to maintain oral and dental hygiene. Similarly, when plaque accumulation increases in the interfaces, gum diseases also occur with gingival recession.

Due to the crowding in the teeth, the upper and lower teeth do not close as they should, so the forces are not transmitted to the jaw bones and thus to the joint in a normal way. This causes joint problems, i.e. a clicking sound when opening and closing the mouth.

It is observed that in children, young people and adults with advanced upper jaws or with upper teeth that are more advanced than they should be, traumas such as falling, ball impact affect the front teeth more and this can often lead to loss of the front teeth.

The presence of more than the required gap in the upper front teeth and lower teeth causes difficulties in the pronunciation of some sounds in people. This causes speech disorders.

As a result of the problem of harmony between the jaws and teeth, sometimes the teeth that cannot find a place can remain embedded.

In these cases, impacted teeth may erode the roots of neighbouring teeth or cysts may form around the impacted teeth. This is a problem that leads to pathological results.

Orthodontic Treatment in Children

Izmir Orthodontic treatments can be considered as a form of vaccination. This is more the case for children. Because orthodontic controls and treatments performed at a young age adjust the tooth and jaw structure as it should be at that time and children reduce the risk of dental and jaw diseases in their future lives.

Having a beautiful smile and having regular teeth will increase the self-confidence of the person, as well as psychologically relaxing, it also regulates social life.

The importance of a beautiful smile in facilitating the life of the individual in the society is quite high.

Children with milk teeth complete this development between the ages of 6 months and two and a half years. Permanent teeth erupt between the ages of 6 and 7 and this development is completed at the age of 12.

Orthodontic interventions should be carried out in this interval, i.e. at the time when the permanent teeth begin to erupt, so that early detection and treatment steps can be taken. For jaw disorders, there may be situations that require early intervention between the ages of 7 and 8.


Genç ve Yetişkinlerde Ortodonti TedavisiOrthodontic Treatment in Teenagers and Adults

    • In people who seek treatment only because of a disorder in the teeth, the person is expected to complete the development of permanent teeth. The situation is different for young and adult patients.

      Since the teeth can always be moved, there is no physical obstacle to carry out the treatment. However, it would be healthier to take into account that the duration of treatment will be prolonged and the person’s tolerance to the treatment will decrease depending on the age.

How many years does orthodontic treatment last?

  • Orthodontic treatment usually varies depending on the tooth and jaw structure, treatment needs and treatment plan. On average, the duration of orthodontic treatment can vary from 1 to 3 years. However, in some cases, the duration of treatment may be longer. The duration of treatment varies depending on the general health status of the person, the severity of the disorder in the teeth or jaw bones, the response to the treatment, patient compliance and the treatment method used. After treatment, some patients may need to use supportive apparatus called retainers for 6 months or longer. The orthodontist follows the treatment by performing regular examinations during the treatment and makes adjustments in the treatment plan when necessary.n)

How Long Does Izmir Orthodontics Treatment Take?

  • Ortodonti işlemlerinin süreleri kişiden kişiye ve uygulanacak tedavinin şekline göre değişmektedir.

    Dişlerle ilgili olan bozuklukların tedavisi diğer tedavilere göre daha kısa sürerken çene ve diğer bozuklukların tedavi süreçleri ortalama 6 ila 24 ay arasında değişmektedir.

    Bu süreçlerin uzaması veya kısalması bireye de bağlıdır. Tedavini süresi boyunca ağız ve diş sağlığı korumak için gerekli bakımı uygular, doktorun yememesi ve içmemesi gerektiği şeklinde u

    The duration of orthodontic procedures varies from person to person and according to the type of treatment to be applied.

    While the treatment of dental disorders takes less time than other treatments, the treatment processes of jaw and other disorders vary between 6 and 24 months on average.

    The lengthening or shortening of these processes also depends on the individual. If the patient applies the necessary care to maintain oral and dental health during the treatment period and avoids the foods that the doctor warns that they should not eat and drink, the treatment is completed within the expected period.

    yardığı besinlerden uzak durursa, tedavi beklenilen süre içerisinde tamamlanır.

What are the Risks of Orthodontic Treatment?

  • Orthodontic treatment is a treatment method performed by gluing parts called brackets on the teeth and using braces to correct the position of the teeth on the jaws.

    Izmir Orthodontic treatment is not a treatment that damages your teeth. However, as in most medical applications, it may involve some risks. The risks of orthodontic treatment often occur when oral care is not taken care of.

    After orthodontic treatment, patients may experience a small amount of redness and swelling of the gums during the time they wear braces. This problem disappears after the brackets are removed. However, in patients who do not brush their teeth and brackets regularly, the gums swell to a high extent and permanent damage to the teeth occurs.

    After the brackets are bonded, mild pain in the teeth can be observed between 3 to 5 days after the sessions where the controls are performed.

    Depending on the procedure, minor changes occur in the roots of the teeth. Although this situation is rare, changes in the roots may be more serious. Doctors inform the patient about this risk.

    Although rare, melting of tooth roots is also among the risks of orthodontic treatment. In case of improper oral care and gum diseases, root erosion may occur.
    Among the risks of orthodontic treatment, jaw joint disorders are seen during and after treatment. Incorrect methods performed while tooth and jaw development continues may cause the jaw to develop incorrectly.

    After the braces are started to be used, the treatment period may be prolonged due to the patient not acting consciously, breaking the apparatus during the treatment and not following the doctor’s controls.

Which Doctor to Visit for Orthodontic Treatment?

You should go to an orthodontist for orthodontic treatment in Izmir. This treatment is a type of treatment used to ensure the proper development of teeth and jaw structure. Orthodontists specialise in a specific field of dentistry to give this treatment.

Orthodontic treatment is usually performed for children and young adults, but in some cases adults can also benefit from this treatment. This treatment promotes the healthy development of the teeth and jaw, protects the teeth against decay and corrects the gaps between the teeth in the mouth. In this way, the teeth gain a healthier and more aesthetic appearance.

Recommendations After Orthodontic Treatment

Some items to be considered after orthodontic surgery are as follows:

Take painkillers regularly after the surgery.
Do not neglect oral hygiene. Keep the inside of the mouth clean by using the gum foam and toothbrush regularly.
Take care to consume soft and pureed foods.
Brush the teeth in the mouth using a special dental floss.
Use mouthwashes regularly to prevent inflammation in the mouth.
Do not neglect to go to regular check-ups in line with your doctor’s recommendations.

By following these items, you can help your mouth to heal in a healthy way after orthodontic surgery. If you feel discomfort or pain in the mouth, you should consult your doctor and take the necessary precautions.

What are Orthodontic Treatment Procedures?

Orthodontic treatment is a type of treatment used to ensure that the teeth and jaw structure develop properly. Orthodontic treatment is usually performed for children and young adults, but in some cases adults can also benefit from this treatment. Orthodontic treatment usually involves the following steps:

Firstly, your orthodontic doctor assesses the condition of the teeth and jaw structure in the mouth and determines the type of treatment required.
Your doctor will design a custom-made brace for your teeth or other devices needed to correct your dental condition. These devices ensure that your teeth are positioned correctly and properly enhance the natural structure of your jaw.
Your doctor will begin to fit you with the devices he or she has designed. These devices help to position your teeth and jaw correctly.
To start the treatment, you will be fitted with a special brace or dental floss. This appliance develops your teeth properly by moving them into the desired position.
During the treatment, you will visit your orthodontist regularly to monitor the development of your teeth and adjust the settings of the appliance if necessary.
When the treatment is completed, your orthodontist will give you a special floss or toothbrush. By using these tools, you can help protect your teeth and help them heal and develop in a proper structure.

If all these steps and post-treatment procedures are applied correctly, the patient’s recovery process will be completed quickly and the patient will have extremely healthy and durable teeth.

How Much Are Orthodontic Treatment Prices in Izmir?

Izmir orthodontic treatment is a treatment process that can vary significantly from patient to patient and the requirements are significantly different. Accordingly, Izmir Orthodontic Treatment prices may also be different for each patient.

However, orthodontic treatment fees also vary depending on the location of the clinic where the applications will take place. It is usual for different levels to emerge depending on the experience and expertise of the physicians. Clinics also have the freedom to set their own prices without any reason.

Professional organisations determine the lower limits in health services and do not set any limitations on upper prices. These procedures, which are provided with certain differences in state hospitals and university hospitals within the scope of SSI, can be covered by private insurance in private practices. It is the most accurate method to apply to health institutions to get precise information about prices.

Frequently Asked Questions

Orthodontic treatment is a treatment method that can be applied to individuals of all ages. Although it is generally preferred in childhood and adolescence, it can also be applied for the correction of tooth and jaw irregularities in adults. The effect of age on the treatment depends on the individual's dental and jaw health, the response to the treatment and the mobility of the teeth. The treatment process may be a little longer in adults, but it is possible to benefit from this treatment method for healthy teeth and a smooth jaw structure.

After the completion of orthodontic treatment, there is a risk of the teeth returning to their old positions. For this reason, in the post-treatment period, orthodontists usually recommend supportive devices called retainers, which ensure that the teeth remain fixed in their new positions. These supportive tools can be used both day and night and the duration of use is determined by the orthodontist according to the condition of the person. Regular use of the retainer is very important to ensure the permanence of the treatment.

Before starting orthodontic treatment, a detailed dental and jaw examination is performed. In this examination, the oral structure of the individual is examined in detail by taking x-rays, photographs and dental moulds. As a result of this evaluation, the orthodontist plans the type and process of treatment. The treatment usually continues with the insertion of brackets followed by periodic adjustments. Regular checks during the treatment period ensure that the teeth move in a healthy way towards the desired position. After the treatment, it is aimed to maintain the new positions of the teeth with the use of retainers.