Extraction of wisdom tooth

In the simplest terms, wisdom tooth extraction procedures are procedures in which a number of problematic wisdom teeth of patients are extracted. These procedures are generally applied to people whose wisdom teeth are impacted, half-embedded, cramped or similar conditions.

These teeth, which are located at the back of the jaw and start to erupt at the age of 20, as the term name suggests, do not erupt properly in some people. Some people may not have enough space for these teeth in their jaws or may not be able to maintain the formation of wisdom teeth in a healthy way due to some similar problems. At this point, patients’ wisdom teeth should be extracted.

Izmir wisdom tooth extraction procedures are procedures that have been applied quite frequently for a long time. The reason for this is that wisdom tooth problems are even more common than treatments.

Impacted, semi-implanted or cramped wisdom teeth, which can cause more serious health problems such as tooth decay, bad breath, tissue loss (resorption) or gum tissue inflammation (pericoronitis), can sometimes be extracted with a simple extraction procedure without requiring a surgical procedure.

However, in some cases, patients’ wisdom tooth problems may have a more serious structure. In such cases, the wisdom teeth of the patients can be removed by surgical methods, that is, by taking the patient to an operation.

In wisdom tooth extraction treatments, surgical extraction is usually required for patients. Although the wisdom teeth of some patients can be easily extracted with simple extraction methods, these patients constitute a relatively small proportion of the total number of patients. The wisdom teeth of the remaining patients are mainly extracted with the help of surgical methods.

How is wisdom tooth extraction performed?

Treatment Details
Operation:Extraction of wisdom tooth
Procedure:The type of extraction is determined according to the condition of the x-rayed tooth.
Duration of treatment:30 minutes
Eligible Persons:It is applied to people with caries in their wisdom teeth.
Things to Consider:Warm and soft foods should be preferred for the first 24 hours, smoking and alcohol should not be consumed

How the Izmir wisdom tooth extraction procedure will be performed is determined after a number of control and examination procedures performed on the patient before the procedure. These control and examination procedures start with listening to the patient’s complaints in detail.

Although the continuation of the process may vary from patient to patient, the patient is usually taken to the x-ray room. After the X-rays taken, the wisdom tooth extraction method to be applied for the patient is determined in the images.

Before starting the treatment, local anaesthesia or regional anaesthesia is applied to the area where the patient’s wisdom teeth will be extracted. Although it is very rare today, dentists may occasionally prefer to apply general anaesthesia to patients in wisdom tooth extraction procedures.

Izmir wisdom tooth extraction procedures are generally surgical procedures. Although some people can easily get rid of these teeth, that is, problematic wisdom teeth, after a simple tooth extraction procedure, wisdom tooth extractions are generally known as serious extractions that require surgical operations.

In addition, in most cases, since the patient’s wisdom tooth will be embedded or semi-embedded under the gum tissue, it will be very difficult and often even impossible to remove this tooth in one piece. For this reason, in most cases, the wisdom tooth that is planned to be extracted is divided into pieces by a specialist dentist before the extraction process.

In some cases, these teeth can also be removed by making an incision in the gum. The treatment of patients with wisdom teeth that can be extracted by incision will be more comfortable and painless compared to the treatment applied by fragmentation.

The wisdom tooth can be extracted comfortably with a suitable incision made by the dentist. Afterwards, the empty root area remaining in place of the extracted tooth is closed with sutures. The preferred suture here can be self-dissolving suture or standard suture.

If the dentist prefers to suture the patient with normal sutures, the patient must have these sutures removed after a process that may vary from patient to patient. This process will usually be 1 week, patients can go back to their dentists at the end of 1 week and have their stitches removed.

The duration of wisdom tooth extraction procedures may vary from patient to patient. Surgical procedures take significantly more time than simple extractions. This time varies according to the condition of the patient’s wisdom teeth.

The recovery process of patients after wisdom tooth extractions in Izmir will also vary according to the size of the treatment. While some patients may take a few weeks to recover, some patients may not complete the healing process for months.

After the operation, patients should not eat or drink anything for a certain period of time. This period will also vary from patient to patient. In order to ensure postoperative blood clotting, it is very important that the patient does not eat for the period recommended by the dentist.

Some bruising and swelling may occur in the area after wisdom tooth extraction. This is an extremely normal and expected event to a certain extent. Some patients may feel pain or ache when the anaesthesia starts to lose its effect.

Although this pain may vary from patient to patient, in some patients it may progress in very severe attacks. In such cases, the treating dentist will usually prescribe a suitable painkiller for the patient.

Patients who smoke are strongly advised not to smoke for 24 hours after wisdom tooth extraction to prevent blood clotting. In addition, patients should use the other side of their mouth while eating for the period recommended by the dentist and should not touch the extracted wisdom tooth area with their tongue or hands.

Which doctor to go to for wisdom tooth extraction?

The doctors that patients should apply for Izmir wisdom tooth extraction procedures will be specialist dentists. Specialist dentists or experienced technicians can safely perform both simple extraction and surgical extraction procedures.

What are the prices of wisdom tooth extraction in Izmir?

It is not possible to give a price that will be valid in general terms for Izmir wisdom tooth extraction procedures. The dimensions of these procedures may vary greatly according to the patient’s complaint. This change will also have a very decisive effect on the price to be applied for the procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Wisdom tooth or also known as wisdom tooth is the name given to the last teeth that come out in adults. These teeth are 4 in number, both upper and lower, and are the teeth located at the very back in both upper and lower regions. Age 20 teeth may not adapt to the jaw structure from time to time. In such cases, these teeth can cause pain, abscesses and dental caries in advanced stages.

Whether the wisdom tooth will cause odour or not may vary according to the situation. Some patients' wisdom teeth may have an extremely healthy structure. However, in some cases, wisdom teeth may be crooked or in an unhealthy formation. In such cases, wisdom teeth can damage the surrounding teeth and cause caries and infections in these teeth. In such cases, caries and infections in the patient's teeth can cause bad odours.

Wisdom teeth are not teeth that need to be extracted under all circumstances. Some patients' wisdom teeth may erupt crooked or unhealthy due to reasons such as not having enough space in their jaws. This can cause severe pain or other more serious health problems in the future. In such cases, wisdom teeth should be extracted. However, wisdom teeth of some patients can continue their existence without any problems.

How a wisdom tooth extraction is performed depends on the specific condition of the patient's wisdom teeth. Some wisdom teeth can be extracted relatively easily with a simple extraction method. However, in the extraction of impacted or semi-implanted wisdom teeth, surgical intervention is required because these teeth are not visible.

What will happen if wisdom teeth are not extracted may vary from person to person. Some people's wisdom teeth can continue their existence without any problems. However, in some people, these teeth may need to be extracted definitively. Wisdom teeth that need to be extracted but are not extracted on time can cause serious and permanent damage by pressing the teeth around them.

Patients undergoing wisdom tooth extraction are generally advised not to eat or drink within 2 hours after extraction. In addition, the patient should avoid alcohol and smoking for a few days following the treatment. The extraction site may bleed for a while after tooth extraction. This is an extremely normal situation. There is no harm for the patient to swallow this blood.

Before wisdom tooth extraction, patients should perform routine oral care carefully. This routine oral care usually consists of brushing the teeth, flossing and cleaning the tongue. Some patients may also use mouthwashes at this stage. The patient's routine care and cleaning before the tooth extraction operation is a factor affecting the quality of the extraction procedure.

Crooked wisdom teeth can cause many dental health problems, especially damaging the teeth around them. These teeth, if they are crooked, can put serious pressure on the tooth root and cause a number of jaw joint problems. These problems can lead to permanent disorders if they are not treated in time.

Thanks to today's modern medical technologies, wisdom tooth extractions can be performed in an extremely healthy and safe way. This procedure, which can be performed by specialised dentists and experienced technicians, does not pose any health risk. In fact, at this point, not extracting an unhealthy tooth, on the contrary, not extracting it will cause a number of risks and health problems.

The time it takes to extract wisdom teeth can vary considerably from patient to patient and according to the nature of the extraction procedure performed on this patient. Some patients‘ wisdom teeth can be extracted within 20 minutes or half an hour, similar to simple extractions, while some patients’ teeth may require surgical extraction procedures. Surgical extractions will take longer time than simple extractions.

In wisdom tooth surgeries, putting the patient to sleep, i.e. general anaesthesia, is a method that is generally not preferred. Instead, patients are usually given local or regional anaesthesia for wisdom tooth extractions, similar to other tooth extractions. However, in some extreme cases, general anaesthesia can also be applied to patients, that is, they can be completely put to sleep.

Embedded tooth extraction is the name given to the process of removing the wisdom tooth that has not yet erupted under the skin with surgical intervention. This procedure is applied in the extraction of wisdom teeth that are not yet in the gums and cannot be seen from the outside.

Gömülü diş çekimlerinde hasta öncelikle genel ya da lokal anestezi yardımı ile uyuşturulur. Sanıldığı kadar zor olmayan bu işlem ortalama 1 saatlik bir sürenin sonucunda tamamlanacaktır.

Impacted tooth extractions are the extraction of teeth that cannot yet be seen from the outside and are located in the gum. On the other hand, normal tooth extractions are usually performed for the extraction of teeth that are visibly damaged, decayed or abscessed, irreparably damaged teeth. The aim of both procedures is to remove the patient's problematic tooth and prevent the patient from experiencing other health problems in the future.

Some symptoms may be frequently experienced by patients after wisdom tooth extraction. These include mild or moderate pain, swelling and bruising in the extraction area. These symptoms are usually more pronounced in the first few days and decrease over time. In addition, bleeding at the extraction site may continue for the first 24 hours, but this is part of the normal healing process. Painkillers recommended by the physician and cold compresses to reduce swelling can provide great relief to patients during this period.

Before wisdom tooth extraction, there are some preparations that patients should make. In this process, the patient's health history should be shared with the dentist in detail. It is important to provide information about medications and existing health problems, if any. Before the extraction, the patient is usually advised not to eat or to consume a limited amount of light food. It is also recommended to wear comfortable clothes on the day of the operation and to have medicines or necessary materials ready at home that may be needed after the extraction.

There are some important points that patients should pay attention to in order to accelerate the healing process and reduce the risk of complications after wisdom tooth extraction. Cold compress applied continuously to the extraction site for the first 24 hours can be effective in reducing swelling and pain. In addition, substances that may adversely affect healing, such as smoking and alcohol, should be avoided. It is important to consume soft and warm foods, not to put pressure on the extraction site and to pay attention to oral hygiene during the healing process. The use of painkillers recommended by the dentist and regular check-ups can also have a positive effect on healing.