Smile Design

One of the factors that define us and reveal our personality is our smiles that we encounter in immortalised photographs, personal meetings or conversations in the community, as well as when looking at ourselves in the mirror.

A beautiful and radiant smile changes the way others look at you as well as the way you look at yourself.

With the developing technology, advances in the world of medicine and dentistry offer you solutions for your smile, which you are not satisfied with and which causes your self-confidence to decrease.

It is possible to feel better with smiles that can be designed only for you and your wishes. Problems may arise in your smile due to genetic problems, improper oral and dental care or external factors.

Common problems such as crooked teeth, gummy smile, gingival smile, gingival recession, tartar, yellowing of tooth colour are common. Aesthetic dentistry is a multidisciplinary field due to these reasons.

It is necessary to work in harmony with many fields such as orthodontics, endodontics, periodontics and prosthodontics in order to realise the patient’s smile design correctly.

What is Smile Design?

Treatment Details
Operation:Smile Design
Procedure:There is no single treatment method, it depends on the individual.
Duration of treatment:6-15 days
Anaesthesia:It can be applied locally according to the treatment method.
Eligible Persons:It can be applied to anyone who feels the need.
Things to Consider:Regular check-ups and following the doctor’s recommendations

During posture and smile, the lips and teeth, as well as the correct structure of the mouth and jaw of the person in the jaw position, the facial features are considered aesthetically beautiful, the process performed to provide an image is called smile design.

Smile design is accepted as the main branch of aesthetic dentistry. And there is no single treatment method in this treatment method. Izmir Smile design Firstly, a treatment is applied according to the needs of the person applying for treatment.

In this case, many different treatment types and different branches may be needed, such as eliminating this problem with implant or bridge treatment if there is a missing tooth, intervening with an orthodontic treatment if there are crooked teeth, and solving gum recession problems by periodontologist.

In addition to these, the realisation of the treatment needed and the appearance of the patient at the end of the smile aesthetic treatment to be applied by taking into account their wishes into consideration is shown to the patient with the demo visual prepared in digital environment with the help of digital dentistry technology.

It is the duty of the specialist dentist to understand the patient’s wishes and needs in the most accurate way and to reveal the treatment plan suitable for the determined complaints, taking into account every situation.

How to Make Smile Design?

First of all, it is necessary to define the problems in the current state of your oral and dental health, to determine the treatments that will meet your needs in terms of health, and then, when you smile, the smile design to be applied in order to express the expression you want to reflect to the people in front of you in the most accurate way, which is most suitable for your face in matters such as the posture of the lips, should be put into a certain mould.

In other words, as in every procedure to be performed in these areas, the priority of the dentist is the health of the patient. After the solution of these health problems is made possible, a smile design will be created by taking into account the aesthetic demands of the person.

When you decide on a smile design treatment and want to start the new day with a healthier, more aesthetic smile, the first thing you should do is to apply to a specialist dentist you trust to find out what you are in, what you need and what kind of treatment is required.

As we mentioned above, thanks to the digital dentistry technology, which is one of the conveniences that have emerged with the development of technology, three-dimensional modelling of your oral and dental structure will be created in the digital field before starting the treatment to be performed, and situations that will positively or negatively affect your dental health due to treatment will be detected and examined.

It is possible to analyse the smile design treatment in three main stages. These are; examination of the current state and planning of the treatment, treatment applications and mock-ups, and finally the application of permanent procedures and final controls.

Smile Aesthetic Treatment Stages

  • The first stage, scanning and planning, includes scanning the inside of the mouth with 3D and transferring the current situation to the digital environment, examining your current smile by photographing your smile and the positions of your lips from different postures and angles, informing the patient by planning multidisciplinary applications, and finally showing the planned smile design digitally to the patient with the 3Shape programme and making minor changes by examining it together.

    The second stage, treatment and mock-up application, includes interventions on decayed teeth, filling and root canal treatments, treatments to be performed in the field of orthodontics, application of treatments to the gums, scanning in the mouth with 3D and taking dental impressions digitally, and finally mock-up, ie temporary teeth.

    The third stage, which is considered the last stage, that is, permanent applications and the final stage, is the rehearsal and demonstration of dental coatings such as zirconium, laminate, porcelain, which are produced in accordance with the patient’s digitally taken dental measurements, before they are applied to the patient’s teeth, the completion of permanent applications when the patient approves these applications shown and rehearsed, and finally, after the smile design treatment, the specialist dentist informs the patient in detail about their care in terms of oral and dental health.

    The process of Izmir smile design treatment is usually completed in these three stages if the patient does not have other special conditions. In other words, in this case, the patient can achieve his health and the beautiful smile he wants as a result of three appointments and can say hello to a new era.

    As everyone has different facial features and a different aesthetic perception, everyone also has a different smile. Therefore, this treatment is defined as personalised smile designs.

    As mentioned above, variables such as teeth, lips, jaw and smile lines change the general expression of the face and the patient’s reason for having this procedure affects the whole treatment process.

    Since the two halves of the human face are not completely symmetrical, even professional hairdressers make hair and beard cuts by evaluating the two halves of the face separately, and this is also the case in the smile design process.

    When you smile, the right part of your lip may be higher or lower than the left part. The teeth that you constantly chew while eating may be shorter and the teeth in other parts of the mouth may be longer.

    You may want your front teeth on the upper side to appear longer, or you may prefer your teeth to be more or less prominent in the right and left glance when you smile. In short, if each face has its own uniqueness, your smiles are just as unique.

    For this reason, contrary to popular belief, smile design is not a standard dental treatment procedure.

    By having a more beautiful and impressive smile, you can both ensure your own satisfaction and further improve your quality of life.

    When you look in the mirror or in a photo frame with your loved ones, the satisfaction you will experience when you see yourself and your smile is much more important and important than other reasons.

    This treatment, which you can also protect your health, provides not only physical but also psychological protection with the feeling of satisfaction.


What are the Risks of Smile Design?

  • Izmir Smile Design is an application where personalised artistic changes are made by Aesthetic Dentists in the field of orthodontics.

    This application is a study to give the ideal smile to the patient. Smile design aims to reveal the appropriate smile form depending on the facial features, lip shape, gender and expectations with this application.

    Smile aesthetics application is used for problems such as deformity and deformity of teeth and gums, disproportion of teeth and different colouring of teeth.

    At every stage of the application, the aim is to protect the natural teeth and make them healthier.

    There are many stages of smile design application. In the first stage, the patient’s treatment expectation and aesthetic needs should be determined by the dentist you choose.

    After the control made by your dentist, the other stages should be transferred to the patient. As an example of these stages; Many applications such as aesthetic filling applications, tooth whitening application, gum treatments, tooth lengthening can be performed during this treatment process.

    After the smile design treatment, you should pay attention to oral hygiene and do not neglect the routine checks determined by your doctor.

    A few points should be considered before having a smile design. Firstly, when you have this application, your lip fillings are affected.

    Another factor to be considered is that after this application, there may be a little wear on your teeth. Excessive abrasion may cause nerve damage and root canal treatment in the following period. At the same time, all existing fillings in your teeth may crack or break.

Which doctor to go to for smile design?

  • You can consult a dentist or dental aesthetic specialist for smile design. These specialists can evaluate your teeth and oral health and offer you the most suitable smile design suggestions.

    Izmir smile design aims to achieve a more aesthetic and smooth smile by changing the appearance and position of your teeth. The methods used for this purpose include aesthetic dentistry methods such as teeth whitening, tooth relocation, filling or bridges of teeth. In addition, dentists and dental aesthetics specialists can also perform other treatments to help smile design, such as gum surgery, implant treatment and tooth loss correction.

Recommendations After Smile Design Procedure

It is recommended that you pay attention to the following items after the smile design procedure:

Follow your doctor’s advice and try to attend all necessary follow-up visits on time.
Take and use painkillers and other medications as prescribed by your doctor during the healing process.
Brush your teeth and gums carefully and continue to use floss during the recovery period.
Avoid food and drinks during the recovery period or try to consume them in liquid form.
Avoid extremely hot or cold foods and drinks during recovery.
Avoid excessive movements such as clenching or chewing your teeth too much during the recovery period.
Try to use products that protect your teeth and gums from sensitivity during the healing process.

What are Smile Design Procedures?

Smile design is the name given to a number of dental aesthetic procedures that have been applied very widely and frequently in recent years. This treatment is a treatment performed by doctors specialised in dentistry and dental aesthetics. The aim of this treatment is to change the appearance and position of your teeth to achieve a smoother and more aesthetic smile. Since the smile design treatment is specially designed according to the needs and expectations of the patient, different treatments can be applied for each patient.

Izmir smile design treatment may include aesthetic dentistry methods such as teeth whitening, moving and filling. Teeth whitening lightens the colour of the teeth, giving them a smoother and brighter appearance. Tooth relocation ensures that the teeth are properly positioned. Dental filling is used to repair decayed or damaged teeth and give them an aesthetic appearance.

In smile design treatment, dentists or aesthetic dental surgeons can apply all or some of these treatments. This may vary depending on the condition of the patient’s teeth and the characteristics of the smile design process they want.

For some patients, only whitening and general cleaning may be sufficient, while some patients may need new fillings and some position changes to some teeth. This will be determined by agreement between the patient and the dentist before the procedure. The procedures determined during the examination can be easily applied to the patient on the specified date if they do not pose any problems for the patient.

How Much Are Smile Design Prices?

Izmir smile design prices are the prices that emerge individually after a clinical examination. In order to have precise information about Izmir smile design prices, it is absolutely necessary to be examined by a dental clinic or a specialist dentist. Since Izmir smile aesthetics, dental treatment components and aesthetic dentistry applications are also included, it is not possible to provide precise information on this subject, as it may become a comprehensive treatment.

Although there is a standard price tariff determined by the professional chamber, this tariff may change upwards. Because, as we have mentioned, it is possible that prices may change depending on the requirements and consumables to be used. Please note that you should get special price information for all dental treatments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Smile design treatments, which have been applied quite frequently and widely especially in recent times, are usually completed in 2 sessions. After 2 sessions of treatment, the design is rehearsed in the patient's mouth. If the design is satisfied, the process is completed. If the patient or the physician decides to make some changes in the design, the second session is repeated.

It will not be possible to talk about a definite permanence period for the life of smile designs. However, this process, which is extremely durable and long-lasting, is generally expected to be used for an average of 10 years. If the patient pays attention to oral and dental care and cleaning and does not neglect regular examinations, this period can be significantly extended.

There is no situation in which smile design procedures performed to provide patients with healthy and aesthetically satisfying smiles are harmful to oral and dental health. Smile design, which is an extremely safe and effective method, will not pose any danger to the patient when applied by specialist dentists.

In today's conditions, some of the aesthetic smile design treatments can be performed in state hospitals, while others cannot be performed in state hospitals. The Social Security Institution undertakes the fees of aesthetic smile design treatments that can be applied in state hospitals to a certain extent. The figures exceeding the limit determined by the Social Security Institution should be covered by the patient himself/herself. The fees of smile design procedures applied in private hospitals far exceed these limits.

Aesthetic smile design is a procedure that is usually performed with aesthetic concerns, and in this respect, it is not possible to talk about a right time that will be valid for everyone to apply this procedure. Patients who are uncomfortable with their tooth structure and smile, who want to change or improve their appearance can apply to a specialist dentist for aesthetic smile design method at any time.

During smile design procedures, minimal pain or discomfort may be felt depending on the techniques and applications used. However, since such procedures are usually performed under local anaesthesia, the feeling of pain during the procedure is minimised. Mild pain or tenderness after the treatment is normal and this can be easily controlled with painkillers recommended by your doctor. As each patient has a different pain threshold, it is important to keep in touch with your doctor and share any concerns.

After smile design, a certain care routine is needed to maintain the results obtained for a long time. This routine includes regular brushing and flossing, and a dental check-up every six months. Lifestyle changes may also be required, such as avoiding hard foods that can damage teeth, not smoking and limiting the consumption of overly acidic or coloured drinks. Your doctor will give you a detailed care plan based on your specific situation.

The duration of the smile design procedure varies according to the treatment methods to be applied and the needs of the patient. Generally, it can vary from a few weeks to several months depending on the treatment plan and the scope of the procedures. For example, simple procedures such as teeth whitening can be completed in a few sessions, while more extensive interventions such as implants can take several months. The detailed duration and planning of the treatment will be determined and presented to you by your dentist during the initial examination and counselling.