Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction, in its simplest explanation, is a form of treatment in which the patient’s tooth is removed. There are some types of tooth extraction within themselves. The first of these types and the simplest one like its name is simple tooth extractions. Simple tooth extractions are very short procedures.

In these procedures, the area where the tooth to be extracted is numbed with local anaesthesia and then the patient’s tooth is extracted. On the other hand, in some tooth extraction treatments, it may be more difficult to remove the tooth from its socket in the bone. In such cases, surgical intervention can be applied to the patient.

Tooth extraction treatments are known as extremely old and well-established treatments. This treatment, which can be applied in primitive ways even in the periods when there was no dentistry yet, can relieve patients considerably. Izmir tooth extraction treatments are usually applied if the patient’s tooth is not in a condition to be saved.

Caries, cracks, fractures and similar conditions can be removed by tooth extraction method, especially if it is expected to cause further health problems in the patient. It is a very good treatment method especially for patients with severe toothache.

Izmir tooth extraction procedures are frequently applied to both children, adults and elderly individuals. In childhood, it is very important that the teeth that will replace the milk teeth are properly rooted and formed. Teeth that do not erupt properly during this period can cause serious problems in the life of these people in the future.

The most common of these problems is that the teeth come out crooked and the patient has to apply treatments such as braces in the future. For this reason, especially in children, it is of great importance to extract these teeth in a controlled manner during the deciduous period and to open the correct positions for the teeth that will replace them, as they will have permanent effects.

On the other hand, tooth extraction treatments are also known as a very common treatment method for adults. Especially if the teeth are damaged beyond repair due to various traumas or decay, it is one of the most common reasons for tooth extraction treatments.

Another group in which Izmir tooth extraction treatments are applied is individuals who have their wisdom teeth extracted. Although wisdom teeth vary from person to person, they can cause very serious, unbearable pain in some people.

These teeth, which do not fully fit into the jaw of some people, can cause serious effects if they are not extracted, and can significantly reduce the person’s living standards. People with wisdom tooth pain are generally recommended to have tooth extraction treatment before the pain reaches a point that will affect their quality of life.

How is tooth extraction performed?

Treatment Details
Operation:Tooth Extraction
Procedure:Generally, wisdom teeth are applied to patients with problems such as caries, infection or crookedness.
Duration of treatment:20 minutes
Anaesthesia:Local, general, intravenous
Eligible Persons:People with a bruise or damage so bad that it cannot be recovered.
Things to Consider:Avoid hot, spicy foods that can cause irritation, do not smoke or drink alcohol for 24 hours.

For tooth extraction, which is an old and relatively quick and easy treatment, local anaesthesia is first administered to the patient. This procedure, i.e. local anaesthesia for tooth extraction treatment, is usually injected with an injection needle into an area close to the tooth to be extracted.

After the area where the patient’s tooth will be extracted is numbed with local anaesthesia, the dentist can perform a number of different procedures depending on the patient’s condition. In some cases, especially in the extraction of impacted wisdom teeth, the dentist may also prefer to apply general anaesthesia to the patient.

Although this is a relatively rare situation, there are some cases where dentists resort to general anaesthesia. The common features of these cases are that they can cause unbearable pain and suffering for the patient, even in a possible scenario where the tooth extraction is performed under local anaesthesia.

After the patient’s anaesthesia process is completed, the dentist will cut the gum tissue and bone tissue, if any, on the tooth to be extracted. Then, with the help of a tool called forceps, he will grasp the tooth to be extracted and move the tooth back and forth to break the bond of the tooth with the jaw.

In some cases, tooth fragmentation may occur during this process. In such cases, that is, in cases with tooth fragmentation, the tooth is extracted not in one piece but in multiple pieces. Although it is a more difficult process than teeth extracted in one piece, partial tooth extraction will also be a highly effective treatment for the patient.

After Izmir tooth extraction treatment, the patient may have some bleeding. This bleeding is both normal and necessary for the patient. In general, a blood clot forms in the canal cavity at the site of the patient’s extracted tooth. At this point, the dentist will place a gauze on the patient’s tooth extraction area and ask the patient to bite this gauze to stop the bleeding.

In some tooth extraction treatments, dentists may prefer to stitch this area so that the tooth extraction area closes properly after treatment and the patient does not have problems during the healing period. These stitches will be self-dissolving stitches.

Which Doctor to Go to for Tooth Extraction?

Extraction treatment, which is a very common treatment method for tooth decay, unbearable toothache and irreparable dental problems, is a treatment method that can be applied by specialized dentists and experienced technicians. Although this method seems to be a simple method, it can cause serious problems for the patient in the future if it is not performed under the right conditions.

In addition, tooth extraction treatment that is not applied correctly will be very painful and painful for the patient. For this reason, it is beneficial to be examined by a specialist dentist in almost every tooth extraction case and to perform the treatment here.

What are the Prices for Tooth Extraction in Izmir?

It will not be possible to say a generalized figure for Izmir tooth extraction prices. Here, there are a number of factors that affect the price to be determined for tooth extraction treatment. The most important of these factors will be the nature of the patient’s tooth extraction treatment, the patient’s problems and demands. In addition, the hospital or clinic in which the tooth extraction treatment will be performed, or the dentist who will perform it, may also have a determining effect on the price of the procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions

The conditions that require tooth extraction are usually tooth decay that has reached the root of the tooth or infected teeth. In both cases, it is very likely that the patient will experience unbearable toothache.

Teeth that require tooth extraction usually make themselves obvious with these features. In addition, infected, i.e. abscessed teeth can cause visible swelling in the patient's uncomfortable area. Swelling can greatly increase the severity and frequency of the patient's pain attacks. These patients' abscessed teeth, i.e. infections, should first be alleviated with the help of treatments such as antibiotics. Then, when the infection is sufficiently alleviated, the patient's tooth is ready to be extracted.

In addition, the patient's impacted or half-implanted teeth, if any, usually need to be extracted. If these teeth are not extracted, they will cause unbearable pain in a similar way to abscessed teeth and may cause more serious health problems in the future. Similarly, abscessed and decayed teeth are also known to cause very serious health problems if left untreated.

Tooth extraction is a method usually used when the tooth has decay, infection or similar problems. If the tooth decay has penetrated to the root of the tooth, the tooth is extracted. On the other hand, teeth with abscesses usually need to be extracted. If the patient's dental problem does not respond to dental treatment and is also shaking, it is usually time to extract this tooth.

It is quite easy for a patient with an abscessed tooth to recognize this condition. The most common symptoms of abscessed teeth are intense and severe pain. These pains will make the patient very uncomfortable, especially if treatment is delayed, and will greatly reduce the quality of life. In addition, abscessed teeth are commonly known to cause swelling. The area around the patient's abscessed tooth will visibly swell due to infection.

If a tooth that needs to be extracted is not extracted, this will cause bigger health problems in the future. Tooth extractions are usually a form of treatment for teeth that are decayed, infected or similarly damaged beyond repair. If these teeth are not extracted, the decay or infection can spread to the patient's other teeth and even to other organs.

It is not possible within today's medical technologies to extract abscessed teeth without antibiotics. These teeth are purified from inflammation as much as possible with some antibiotic treatments before tooth extraction. When the swelling caused by inflammation in the gums goes down sufficiently, the patient's tooth extraction process can be applied in a healthy way. Antibiotic treatment is not needed in the extraction of non-abscessed teeth.

Yetişkinlik döneminde hastaların kemik yapımları kemik yıkımlarına karşı olan üstünlüklerini kaybedeceğinden, özellikle 25 yaşından sonra diş bakımı ve korumasının önemi daha da artar. Diş bakımı ve koruması için hastaların öncelikle dişlerini düzenli olarak fırçalamaları gerekir. Sağlıklı dişler için dişlerin günde sabah ve akşam olmak üzere en az iki kez fırçalanmaları gerekir. Bu işlem için seçilen diş macunu ve diş fırçası da hastanın diş sağlığı için önemli bir rol teşkil eder.

Yetişkinlerde diş ve diş eti sağlığının etkili bir biçimde korunması için diş fırçalama işlemlerinde genelde yumuşak uçlu diş fırçaları kullanmaları tavsiye edilir. Dişler 45 derecelik bir açı ile yukarı aşağı hareketlerle fırçalanmalıdır. Her bir dişin ön ve arka yüzeylerinin fırçalandığına emin olunmalıdır. Özellikle daha yaşlı grupta yer alan hastalara diş fırçalama işlemi sonrası bir dil temizleyici yardımı ile dillerini de temizlemeleri önerilir. Bunun yanında diş taşı, yani tartar ve plak oluşumunu önlemek için diş ipi kullanımı da oldukça büyük bir önem teşkil eder.

In addition, the consumption of sugar products, which are known to be very harmful for dental health, should be minimized. Excessive consumption of tea, coffee or excessive smoking are also among the factors that seriously damage dental health. In order to protect their dental health, patients in adulthood should avoid such foods, drinks, smoking and have regular dental examinations every 6 months.

Today, according to the latest regulations, tooth extraction procedures are procedures that can be applied within the insurance with SGK. Tooth extractions can be performed in private hospitals, private clinics and public hospitals in a very effective and easy way. If patients perform tooth extraction procedures through a contracted health institution, the SSI will cover all of the health expenses of this patient.

Although tooth extractions can be extremely extensive or minor procedures, the duration of these procedures may vary from procedure to procedure. In general, simple tooth extractions that do not take too much time can be easily removed with a quick local anesthesia and extraction process. This will take a maximum of 30 minutes. However, surgical tooth extractions may require much longer than this.

The recovery time of patients after tooth extraction may vary from patient to patient, depending on the nature of the extraction procedure. In simple tooth extraction procedures, patients usually recover completely after an average of 1 week or 2 weeks. On the other hand, surgical tooth extraction procedures, which are more serious, may take more time to recover.

The extraction of half-broken teeth is performed by a method called partial extraction. This method is essentially no different from a simple tooth extraction. In partial tooth extractions, the patient undergoes a number of controls before extraction. In these controls, the patient is usually x-rayed. The fragmented tooth is examined in detail from the patient's X-rays and how the tooth will be extracted is planned. After planning, local anesthesia is applied to the patient and the broken tooth is easily extracted.

The post-extraction period is important for a quick and complication-free recovery. During the first 24 hours after the procedure, it is important to avoid heavy physical activity, hot drinks and foods, and any movements that may irritate the extraction site (for example, playing the area with the tongue). In addition, taking the painkillers prescribed by the doctor and following the oral care instructions will promote healing. Once the bleeding has stopped, it is important to start eating soft foods and not to put pressure on the extraction site.

The risk of infection after tooth extraction exists if the procedure is performed under non-sterile conditions or if the patient does not observe adequate oral hygiene afterwards. Symptoms of infection may include increased pain, swelling, redness and sometimes fever at the extraction site. If such symptoms are noticed, the dentist should be consulted immediately. The dentist can prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection and clean the area if necessary.

The recovery time after tooth extraction varies depending on the location of the extracted tooth and the complexity of the procedure. Generally, recovery after simple extractions takes a few days to a week, while for more complex cases requiring surgical intervention, the recovery period can take up to several weeks. It can take several months for full recovery and the tissues in the extraction site to return to normal health. During this period, paying attention to the oral care and check-up appointments recommended by the dentist will have a positive effect on healing.