Tooth Whitening
This application to make teeth whiter can be referred to as ‘teeth whitening’ procedure as well as ‘blenching’ and ‘bleaching’.
It is possible that your teeth may not be genetically white, but it is also possible that your teeth may not be whiter than their current color, no matter how much you brush them, due to subsequent conditions such as diet and dental care mistakes.
The primary complaint of patients with off-white teeth is the smile. If you are uncomfortable with your smile because of off-white teeth and are aesthetically concerned, the procedure you need to have is teeth whitening.
Unless any health problem affects and prevents it, the dentist you will apply to will recommend you the most suitable teeth whitening method.
Teeth whitening can be applied primarily on healthy teeth for all of them. However, it is also applied on teeth with root canal treatment.
As the dentist decides on the nature of the application to be performed, during the examination, he also informs whether the patient’s teeth need this procedure, whether the teeth are suitable for this application and how much whitening will be achieved in the color of the patient’s teeth after the procedure.
In addition to teeth whitening procedures that can be applied in the dental clinic, there are also whitening procedures that can be applied at home.
After the factor causing the yellowing is decided, the dentist decides which form of treatment will be applied, taking into account the patient’s wishes.
Izmir teeth whitening process can take approximately 15-20 minutes and provides the patient to have cosmetically more suitable and white teeth after the treatment.
This process corrects the factors that cause the color of the teeth to change and the stains that have occurred on the teeth for years, and the patient’s teeth have a clean and milky white appearance at the end of the procedure.
How Is Teeth Whitening Done?
Operation: | Tooth Whitening |
Prosedür: | A special whitening gel containing hydrogen peroxide is applied to the teeth. |
Duration of treatment: | 30-60 minutes |
Anesthesia: | Not applicable |
Pain: | Painless |
Eligible Persons: | For everyone with healthy teeth |
Things to Watch Out For: | Colorful foods and extremely cold and hot foods should be avoided for 3-4 days |
There are three different applications used in the teeth whitening process. The treatment is completed as a result of the procedures called barrier, agent and light applications. Before starting these applications, the teeth should be cleaned and the procedures should be applied on clean teeth.
In this way, a better result can be obtained. Barrier application is the first procedure applied to the area where the procedure will be applied to protect the gums. A barrier is applied due to the oxidizing properties of the chemical agent used in the teeth whitening process.
Agent application is the application of a sufficient amount of agent on the tooth surface. It is applied after the preparation of the chemical agent.
Finally, light application is the process of applying light to the teeth with special light devices to reach the desired color after ensuring the safety of the patient with the help of protective glasses.
Since it is a sensitive procedure, it is of great importance that it is applied by a specialized physician and team under the right conditions. When these conditions are met, it is not a procedure that damages the teeth.
One of the most feared situations of people who want to have this procedure is whether there will be pain during the treatment.
Pain sensation in the teeth during the application of Izmir teeth whitening is not an observed and expected situation. Within 24 hours after the treatment, it is rare to have sensitivity that can be relieved with painkillers.
Things to Consider After Teeth Whitening
Patients are advised to pay attention to the first week after the teeth whitening procedure. In the first week, extremely cold or extremely hot foods and beverages should be avoided.
In the first 3 weeks, which can be defined as the critical threshold, coloring foods should be avoided as much as possible. Exposure to such foods after the procedure may cause the teeth to be colored again.
Avoidance will ensure that the effect of the teeth whitening process will continue for a long time.
Excessive use of products produced for whitening and used alongside tooth brushing can cause permanent damage to the teeth. Maintaining dental health not only protects the whiteness of your teeth, but also ensures that the treatment you apply lasts longer.
For this reason, regular maintenance of oral and dental health plays an important role. Conditions that cause discoloration through food and drinks can be partially eliminated by brushing every part of the teeth twice a day without applying pressure on the gums.
Clinic and Home Teeth Whitening
There are teeth whitening applications that are applied professionally with your dentist, as well as teeth whitening methods that can be applied by yourself at home.
It is not possible to say that these are as long-lasting and permanent as the procedure you will have a professional dentist and his team perform in any dental clinic. However, it is possible to fulfill one’s need for teeth whitening, even for a short time.
Strips, pastes and whitening pens sold in the market for teeth whitening are procedures that can be applied at home.
Before applying these procedures at home, the patient is advised to consult a dentist to get information about whether his teeth are healthy and to consider that these procedures may cause other problems because they are not as safe as tooth whitening treatment applied under dentist control.
We have said that teeth whitening methods applied without the recommendation of a dentist will cause certain other problems in your teeth. There are multiple herbal methods recommended under the name of teeth whitening procedures on social media applications.
Along with these methods, it is not observed that any herbal method has a good and permanent effect on teeth whitening.
For this reason, it does not contribute to the person’s desire for teeth whitening and may also cause problems that are not visible on your teeth. It would be safer for your health not to use such products without the advice of your dentist.
Again, it is possible that the products sold ready-made in the market, a few of which were mentioned above, may cause problems in the patient’s teeth that will require other procedures as a result of excessive application of the person with the desire to whiten teeth.
Uncontrolled use can cause irreversible damage to the teeth such as abrasion and resorption.
If you need teeth whitening treatment or want to have this procedure done aesthetically, the first recommendation is to consult your dentist and follow a path as directed by him/her.
In the market, there are products that are effective in the teeth whitening process and meet the person’s request, albeit for a short time with the right applications, as well as many products that are put forward with the promise of teeth whitening and have not been proven to have any effect.
It would be safer for your health to be especially careful about these products and not to use them.
These products, which are not approved by the Ministry of Health and sold in the market with the promise of teeth whitening, cause long and difficult procedures on the teeth of the person, which causes the patient to suffer both psychologically and physically.
The qualities of the materials used in Izmir teeth whitening procedures, the degree and type of discoloration are the most effective factors that determine the price of teeth whitening.
What are the Risks of Teeth Whitening?
Izmir teeth whitening application is a procedure performed to regulate the discoloration of tooth enamel using peroxide-containing gels.
There are teeth whitening methods that differ according to the technique and application areas of this process. For example Home-type teeth whitening, whitening in a clinical environment, combined teeth whitening and single teeth whitening can be performed.
Before the whitening application is started by the dentist, detailed scaling is performed. The patient’s gums are covered with a protective layer by the physician. The gel that will provide whitening is applied on the teeth. White light is given for about 20 minutes and the whitening process is completed.
When the teeth whitening application is performed under the control of a doctor, a positive result is seen without any damage to the gums and tooth enamel. Different medications can also be used for teeth whitening, but the dentist must decide how and for how long they will be used.
There are no side effects in teeth whitening. However, a temporary sensitivity may occur in the teeth after this application. This sensitivity to hot and cold foods and beverages usually resolves spontaneously within 24 hours.
After the procedure, the physician should explain the issues to be considered in the following period to the patient in an understandable and clear language.
It is necessary to avoid foods that can color teeth such as tea, coffee, cigarettes, red wine, cherry juice. Paying attention to general oral care will also prevent the teeth from returning to their old color.
Teeth whitening is generally permanent for 6 months to 2 years. This period may vary according to the tooth structure of the person.
Which Doctor to Go to for Teeth Whitening?
Teeth whitening is the process of making the color of your teeth lighter and brighter. This process can vary according to the natural color of your teeth and is usually performed by dentists.
Teeth whitening in Izmir reduces the black, brown or yellow stains on your teeth, giving your teeth a brighter and lighter appearance. This process does not completely change the natural color of your teeth, but you can get a brighter and lighter appearance of your teeth by reducing the stains. It is known that teeth whitening procedures, which have been applied more frequently recently, are generally known to have positive responses.
Recommendations After Teeth Whitening
Eat only soft foods and drinks for a few days. Avoid hard and sweet foods and drinks (such as apples and chocolate).
Instead of brushing your teeth for a few days, wash your teeth thoroughly. This will not damage your teeth and will also remove bacteria.
After teeth whitening, rinse your mouth with plenty of water to remove bacteria from your mouth.
Avoid teeth whitening agents for a few days. These substances can damage your teeth as they become more sensitive.
After teeth whitening, it is normal to feel sensitivity or pain in your mouth. This will pass within a few days. However, if the pain and sensitivity persist, consult your doctor.
What are Teeth Whitening Procedures?
Izmir teeth whitening treatment aims to remove stains and discoloration from your teeth. This treatment can be performed by dentists and usually involves the following steps:
First, your dentist will examine the condition of your teeth and the cause of the stains and determine the most suitable treatment option for you.
Next, a protective gel is applied to your teeth, which protects the tissue of your teeth from damage.
The most important step of the treatment, whitening, is done with a whitening gel that will be applied to your teeth. This gel is applied on your teeth and works for a certain period of time. The whitening gel lightens the stains on your teeth and makes them whiter and brighter.After the whitening treatment, your dentist will check the condition of your teeth again and determine if another whitening treatment is necessary.
After the treatment, your dentist will advise you on aftercare and give you some suggestions on how to keep your teeth whiter and brighter.
These treatments, namely teeth whitening treatments, are known as very common and frequently applied treatments, especially in recent years. Although the results obtained after teeth whitening treatments may vary from person to person, it can be said that those who apply this treatment generally make positive comments about the treatment. With this treatment, yellowing, blackening or similar color deformations in the teeth can be significantly eliminated. Thus, the teeth can have a white and natural appearance.
How Much Are Teeth Whitening Prices in Izmir?
Izmir teeth whitening prices may occur at different levels depending on the method to be applied. There are different prices for applications such as chemical teeth whitening, home or office teeth whitening. For this reason, it is not correct to expect a list such as a list of teeth whitening fees to be valid for everyone.
Izmir teeth whitening prices are subject to a certain standard according to the type of product used, the brand and the country where it is produced. However, each dentist or clinic may offer different levels of application prices. However, due to the fact that additional treatments may be required in addition to the teeth whitening treatment, the prices that arise in the process of developing the treatment that suits you may be different. Dental clinics and dentists providing aesthetic dentistry services will provide you with the price information that will apply to you.
Frequently Asked Questions
The permanence period of teeth whitening procedures may vary depending on how much attention people pay to oral and dental care. However, it can be said that the estimated permanence period varies between 6 months and 3 years. Patients who undergo teeth whitening treatment should avoid food and beverages that will discolour the teeth and smoking as much as possible in the following period.
Teeth whitening procedures cannot be applied to individuals under the age of 16. In patients under 16 years of age, the dental nerves and pulp chamber are at their largest possible size. Treatments such as tooth whitening can have an irritating and damaging effect on the pulp. For this reason, tooth whitening treatment and similar treatments should not be applied to patients who have not yet exceeded the age of 16.
After the teeth whitening application, patients should avoid certain food and beverages and smoking, otherwise yellowing of the teeth may occur again. In particular, the use of tea, coffee and excessive sugar consumption can cause yellowing in teeth that have undergone bleaching as well as in normal teeth. The longer patients can stay away from such foods, drinks and smoking, the more permanent the treatment will be.
It is known that teeth whitening procedures do not cause any structural changes or damage to the teeth. No direct treatment-related health problems have been encountered in patients undergoing this treatment. Therefore, it can be easily said that teeth whitening treatments are an extremely safe procedure for both oral and dental health and general health.
The duration of the teeth whitening procedure may vary depending on the method to be applied and the current condition of the patient's teeth. In general, professional teeth whitening procedures performed in a clinical environment are single-session applications and can take an average of 30 to 60 minutes. Teeth whitening kits that can be applied at home give results when used regularly for a certain period of time. While the procedures performed in the clinic offer fast results, it may take longer to see the effect of home-type products.
After the teeth whitening procedure, some foods and beverages should be avoided for a certain period of time to preserve the whiteness of the teeth. Especially foods with high colouring properties such as coffee, tea, red wine and cola drinks should not be consumed during the first week. In addition, tobacco products should also be avoided as they may cause the teeth to turn yellow again. During this period, eating foods and drinks that do not colour your teeth as much as possible will help you maintain the effectiveness of the whitening process for a long time.
Temporary sensitivity may occur in some patients after teeth whitening procedures. This is related to the effect of the bleaching agents used on the tooth enamel and is usually a short-term side effect. The severity of sensitivity may vary from person to person and decreases within a few days. In case of tooth sensitivity, toothpastes that reduce sensitivity can be used and it is useful to avoid very cold or very hot foods. If sensitivity persists for a long time, it is important to consult your dentist.